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Oregon Roybal Center for Care Support Translational Research Advantaged by Integrating Technology

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Oregon Center for Aging and Technology

Oregon Health & Science University

Portland, OR

ORCASTRAIT has focused on creating necessary research procedures, a unique Life Laboratory of community volunteers and researchers, basic functional algorithms of human health-related activity and intervention outcome measures, and distinctive collaborations to create new knowledge and facilitate knowledge exchange and dissemination. ORCASTRAIT is designed to facilitate the wise use of technology to improve care provider support, affording the ready capacity to conduct intervention research by providing a ready infrastructure to conduct necessary early studies and to train and educate researchers in the optimal use and application of technology in their interventions.


Zachary Beattie, Ph.D.

Data Acquisition and Analysis Lead

Hiroko Dodge, Ph.D.

Pilot Core Co-Lead

Katherine Wild, Ph.D.

Psychology Lead

Raina Croff, Ph.D.

Diversity Lead

Allison Linduaer, Ph.D.

Pilot Principal Investigator

Lyndsey Miller, Ph.D.

Pilot Principal Investigator

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