February 15, 2024 4:00-5:30 PST
On February 15, 2024, The Clinical Trials Forum presents Dr. Jeffrey Cummings, a world-renowned Alzheimer’s researcher and leader of clinical trials. With more than 200 thousand citations to his work, he ranks in the top 0.01% of the most cited scientists in the world and in the top 5 of Alzheimer's disease researchers. His numerous awards include the American Association of Geriatric Psychiatry’s Distinguished Scientist Award (2010) and the national Alzheimer’s Association’s Bengt Winblad Lifetime Achievement Award(2018). He has been featured in Gentleman’s Quarterly as a “Rock Star of Science.” Dr. Cummings’ interests embrace clinical trials, developing new therapies for brain diseases, and the interface of neuroscience and society.

Jeffrey L. Cummings, MD, ScD.
Director, Chambers-Grundy Center for
Transformative Neuroscience,
Co-Director, Pam Quirk Brain Health and
Biomarker Laboratory.
Co-Director, Alzheimer’s Disease and Related
Disorders Innovation Incubator