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Funding Opportunities

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Boston Roybal Center for Active Lifestyle Interventions (RALI)

Developing and testing innovative behavior change methods to promote healthy aging, especially for adults at high risk for poor health outcomes

We seek pilot proposals for innovative pilot projects that use behavioral approaches to increase and sustain active engagement. We are also interested in collaborative applications that leverage expertise and resources (e.g., functional assessment core) at the Boston Pepper Older Americans Independence Center. New proposals and ongoing projects that add a behavioral component to the study design will be considered. We encourage the use of measures from the Roybal Center Tool Box and Cores at the Boston Pepper Center. Investigators, including junior faculty and postdoctoral trainees, from the Center’s five collaborating institutions (Brandeis University, Boston College, Northeastern University, Boston University, Hebrew Senior Life/Harvard Medical School) are invited to apply. Those from other Boston-area institutions may apply if they are collaborating with or mentored by a member of the Roybal Center executive committee (see names below). Applicants should submit an abstract up to 350 words and a 3-page proposal (Arial 11 font, .5" margins, single spaced) that includes specific aims, background and significance, innovation, study design, a description of the intervention, proposed measures, sample and sample size justification, analytic plan, and potential for future publications, products, and independent funding using the application form on our website. Please also submit the following: (1) biosketch on the NIH form for all participating investigators, (2) 1-year budget on Form 4 (maximum of $50,000 to $75,000 direct costs) and total budget with indirect costs and budget justification on form 5, signed by an institutional official, (3) planned enrollment form, (4) plan for the Protection of Human Subjects for Clinical Trials, and (5) Data and Safety Monitoring Plan. More information about the mission of the Center and the instructions and forms for pilot applications can be found on the Roybal Center Website. Selected proposals will require clinical trials paperwork, safety monitoring information, IRB protocol, and a Manual of Procedures for approval by NIH before funding can be released.

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Columbia Roybal Center for Fearless Behavior Change 

Improving health behaviors of people with hospitalizations for acute medical events, as this population often experiences PTSD symptoms or other fear reactions following hospitalization

The Columbia Roybal Center for Fearless Behavior Change will fund one-year pilot studies relevant to developing health behavior interventions in patients who have suffered acute medical events. Our prior research has shown that many patients develop fear-based responses to these traumatic events (e.g., fear of recurrence, heightened distress from internal physiologic stimuli) that lead to avoidance of the very health behaviors (e.g., exercise, take medications regularly) that are recommended to prevent recurrence. Accordingly, our Center seeks to develop interventions that address these fear-related mechanisms. Relevant study populations include, but are not limited to, patients with stroke, myocardial infarction, cardiac arrest, COPD, heart failure, respiratory failure, or recent diagnosis with cancer or end-stage renal disease. Relevant behavioral outcomes include, but are not limited to, medication adherence, physical activity, sleep, as well as measures of psychological distress and quality of life. Interventions can be delivered in-person or remotely, using telemedicine tools (e.g., video visits, mobile health devices). The goal of the award is to help investigators obtain preliminary data to support independent grant applications to the NIH or other extramural sources.


Cornell Roybal Center-Translational Research Institute on Pain in Later Life 

Developing potent, scalable, nonpharmacological  interventions and leveraging new technologies that help foster adaptive behavior change in the context of pain

The Translational Research Institute on Pain in Later Life’s (TRIPLL) mission is to support investigators and translational research in the areas of pain in later life. The overarching goal of our pilot study program, directed by Dr. Elaine Wethington, is to encourage researchers to translate basic science research on pain into practice, and thereby expand scientific knowledge and provide practitioners with data that are useful to understanding and eventually alleviating pain experienced by older persons. 2023 TRIPLL Pilots include, "Feasibility and Acceptability of Pain Reprocessing Therapy in Racially/Ethnically Diverse Adults with Chronic Back Pain; "Testing an Intervention to Reduce Pain and Depression Among Older African American Women with Physical Disabilities"

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Emory Roybal Center for Dementia Caregiving Mastery

Providing and developing competency in care; varying kinds of caregiving situations demand acquisition of mastery 

The Emory Roybal Center for Dementia Caregiving Mastery is specifically focused on the development of interventions to improve and support dementia caregiving mastery. Informal caregiving is the key to the quality of life and continued community living of persons living with Alzheimer’s disease and similar illnesses, so we believe that providing masterful care enhances care recipient and caregiver outcomes. Our Pilot Project Awards Program • Supports both junior and senior investigators across the U.S. to conduct NIH Stage I-III intervention research that will strengthen the context-specific role mastery of informal caregivers of persons living with a dementing illness • Provides mentoring and Design Studio support to strengthen pilot applications • Provides pilot awards in amounts of $75,000-115,000 for 12-months (total direct and indirect). • LOI due: December 02, 2022, Midnight Eastern Time • Application invitations; mid December, 2022

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Midwest Roybal Center for Health Promotion and Translation

Focusing on translating interventions to older minority adults through three main focus areas: mechanisms of behavior change,
novel interventions that exploit the plasticity of biobehavioral risk mechanisms, and programs that target features of social networks and social engagement to increase well-being

The Center seeks to fund and support small clinical trials that assess the feasibility, acceptability, and preliminary effectiveness of new or adapted health promotion interventions. All UI-UIC researchers — faculty, doctorate-level researchers and doctoral students are eligible to apply. Proposed interventions must be principle-driven behavioral interventions that target older adults (50+) living in the United States. Interventions that target physical activity promotion and/or that maintain or enhance mobility and cognitive function are preferred. Interventions should use cutting-edge technology for intervention design, measurement, and outcomes. Projects can be funded up to $50,000 for one year beginning June 1, 2023. All interventions must be Stage 1 of the NIH Stage Model and should be designed to be feasible for translation over time into community settings with reasonable mechanisms for promoting program fidelity.

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MIT Roybal Center for Translational Research to Improve Healthcare for the Aging

Supporting randomized evaluations of low-cost, high-impact behavioral interventions to improve health care delivery and health outcomes for older adults in the United States

The MIT Roybal Center seeks to identify, fund, and support low-cost, high impact trials of behavioral interventions for mid-life and older people that can inform policy solutions to ensure their care is efficient, effective, and equitable. The Roybal Center will accept pilot proposals only. Pilot studies may be awarded a maximum of $75,000, including the full federally-negotiated indirect cost rate of the PI’s institution. The award period for NIH pilot awards should be for one year from July-June to align with the Roybal budget period.

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NBER Roybal Center for Behavior Change in Health 

Retirement saving applied in the health domain, particularly in terms of prescription drug adherence and home delivery

The NBER seeks proposals for research projects that involve randomized controlled trials (RCTs) or other NIH-defined clinical trials, and that, if approved for funding by the National Institute on Aging (NIA), would receive support during the period June 1, 2023 through May 31, 2024. Eligible projects must explore some aspect of the relationship between health and human behavior. Projects that involve scalable interventions, with the potential to broadly improve population health as people age, are of particular interest. Potential project funding is likely to fall in the range of $50,000 to $90,000 of direct costs. Proposals will be reviewed on a rolling basis, and early submissions are strongly encouraged. Proposals will be evaluated by the Center co-PIs and Advisory Committee for research design, relevance, feasibility, scalability, and timeliness. We look for projects with the potential to advance through the NIH Stage Model for Behavioral Intervention Development.


Oregon Roybal Center for Care Support Translational Research Advantaged by Integrating Technology 

Using technologies to facilitate more objective, real-world assessment/management of various kinds of aging conditions (and focusing specifically on care-provider interventions)

ORCASTRAIT focuses on improving ADRD care provider (CP) support by facilitating the wise use of leading-edge technologies to conduct and inform promising scalable intervention studies. The overall objective of ORCASTRAIT’s Pilot Core is to support innovative pilot studies necessary to inform ongoing and future research consistent with the ORCASTRAIT aims-to substantially improve the science of care provider interventions, enabling the research community to build and deliver evidence based, standardized, and measured interventions grounded in sound principles of technology research and development. These are then intended to be translated into wider application. Pilot research must involve a clinical trial (control conditions not necessary) and be feasible within a one-year time period. These projects also should reflect familiarity with the NIH Stage Model for Behavioral Intervention Development.

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Rochester Roybal Center for Social Ties and Aging Research 

Promoting social connectedness/conducting research that tackles the problem of social disconnectedness  

The mission of the Rochester Roybal Center for Social Ties and Aging Research (the STAR Center) is to support the social well-being and healthy aging of those caring for a family member with Alzheimer’s disease or related dementia (ADRD). In support of this mission, the STAR Center Pilot Award Program seeks to support pilot studies that contribute to the development and implementation of novel, principle-guided behavioral interventions that promote social well-being and “connectedness” in caregivers - over 50 years of age – caring for a family member with ADRD. The STAR Center seeks to support pilot research that falls along the continuum of the NIH Stage Model of Behavioral Intervention Development, from research on mechanisms of interventions that promote social connectedness to dissemination and implementation research. Multidisciplinary investigative teams are encouraged to apply.

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Roybal Center for Behavioral Interventions in Aging

Conducting research that advances healthy aging for older adults who are economically insecure, culturally diverse, and under-served by human services organizations

The Roybal Center for Behavioral Interventions in Aging seeks proposals for pilot projects that involve randomized controlled trials (RCTs). If approved for funding by the National Institute on Aging (NIA), the pilots would receive support during the period June 1, 2023-May 31, 2024. Applications from senior and junior researchers from academic and research institutions focused on the consequences of current patterns of practice and the development of interventions that will improve care delivery, the quality of care, and its value to aging adults are encouraged. Potential project funding is limited to $70,000 in direct costs. Pilot projects must be in accordance with the ​NIH Stage Model for Behavioral Interventions: with a focus on Stage II, II and IV. Projects that involve scalable interventions, with the potential to broadly improve population health as people age, are of particular interest. This funding will not support non-clinical-trial research or research that will be conducted outside of the United States.


Roybal Center for Personalized Trials: Physical Activity Promotion to Foster Healthy Aging

Generating intervention development research for promoting physical activity in older adults and launch several independent programs of research

The goal of the Roybal Center for Personalized Trials: Physical Activity Promotion to Foster Healthy Aging is to focus on innovative, physical activity behavioral interventions aimed at promoting and improving the overall health and well-being of older adults through the conduct of fully powered, meaningful pilots. The Center’s specific focus will be Personalized (N-of-1 ) trials for Stage I intervention development, and a common battery of mechanisms of actions will be explicitly assessed where appropriate.

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Transforming Residential Palliative Care for Persons with Dementia through Behavioral Economics and Data Science 

Transforming residential palliative care for persons with dementia through behavioral economics and data science 

The IMPACT Collaboratory will consider applications for pilot ePCTs that test non-pharmacological interventions embedded in health care system(s) for people living with AD/ADRD and their care partners. All applications must make a convincing case that the pilot ePCT proposed can be scaled up to a full-scale Stage IV effectiveness ePCT as the next step. Required features of the study design are delineated under General Requirements. In this cycle, up to five 1-year, non-renewable pilot studies will be funded. No-cost extensions are generally not allowed, but will be considered only in exceptional circumstances, will require NIA approval, and are not guaranteed.


Duke Roybal Center

Advancing science and the implementation thereof to improve the health and well-being of people as they age

We are seeking proposals for theory-driven intervention research at any point in the intervention development and implementation process that aims to promote functional independence of older adults or adults at increased risk for disability by targeting patient/caregiver behavior change. Faculty investigators should propose high quality small-scale behavioral intervention or implementation feasibility or pilot studies that can be completed in one year. The proposed research could be in any of the NIH stages of intervention development (0, I, II, III, IV) and must have a plan for progression within the levels of the NIH Stage Model for Behavioral Intervention Development. The intent of funding is to generate preliminary data that can lead to high-impact externally funded studies. Study types of interest include: pilot studies of novel interventions leading toward a subsequent clinical efficacy study; adaptations of effective interventions for a new population or clinical problem; and piloting implementation methodologies for spread of effective interventions or models of care. Both healthcare system-based and community-based interventions are relevant for this RFA. The proposed study could involve one or more levels of inquiry, but must incorporate the development, refinement, testing or implementation of a behavioral intervention.

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Center for Health Incentives and Behavioral Economics

Advancing the science of applied behavioral economics in pursuit of knowledge, interventions, and policies that lead to higher-value health care, equal access to health care, and healthier lives for all

CHIBE invites proposals from affiliated faculty for pilot projects which translate ideas from behavioral economics into practice in ‘real world’ settings, specifically testing interventions that reach middle-aged and elderly Americans at high risk for premature morbidity and mortality. While we will accept and consider all applications, applications focusing on reducing health inequities, reducing the risks from atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) by improving blood pressure control or cholesterol, or both are particularly encouraged and will receive special consideration.

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