The New York Regional Center for Diabetes Translation Research (NY-CDTR) announces the availability of Pilot and Feasibility (P&F) funding for preliminary studies to support planned extramural funding applications (NIH preferred) for diabetes-related translational research. Secondary analyses of existing, pertinent large data sets, which can lead to external funding, are a priority. Budget requests can be up to $50,000/year for one-year grant proposals, or up to $25,000/year for 2 years. For 2021-2022, meritorious proposals for $50,000/year for 2 years will also be considered, with a maximum of one award being granted. A 2nd year of funding is always contingent on progress and available program funding. Proposals should use translational research methods such as: implementation or dissemination science, natural experiment methods, as well as quantitative or qualitative methods to investigate how to improve diabetes prevention or care and outcomes at the individual, group, health system or population level. Applications involving research in diabetes/obesity across the life span, population health, health systems, or natural experiments are strongly encouraged. Translation research focused on Latinos/Hispanics, health disparities, and social determinants of health is of particular interest. P&F funds may supplement ongoing funded research projects (e.g., K awards), but non-overlap must be clearly demonstrated in the proposal. The NY-CDTR website ( provides information re: core resources and services available to awardees to support their pilot study. ELIGIBILITY: Must hold the rank of Assistant Professor (or equivalent) or higher at the time of the award. This program is designed to support (in order of priority): 1) New investigators, early stage investigators (ESIs), and under-represented minority investigators (URMiR) with interests in diabetes and/or obesity. In this category are investigators shifting from mentor-based research to an independent career. Meritorious proposals from these investigators receive the highest priority for funding. 2) Established investigators, in other research areas or cross-disciplinary research, who wish to apply their expertise to diabetes or obesity. High-risk, high-reward proposals receive priority. 3) NY-CDTR members who wish to explore a new area of innovative research that constitutes a substantive departure from their previous or ongoing externally funded diabetes research.
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