The NIA Research and Entrepreneurial Development Immersion (REDI) program provides bio-entrepreneurship training to boost the number of university startups and facilitate more diverse career opportunities for early-career scientists working in the fields of aging and aging-related diseases, including Alzheimer’s disease.
Entrepreneurial Career Development Award
The REDI Mentored Entrepreneurial Career Development Award (PAR-22-227) provides support and protected time (3–5 years) for an intensive, supervised career development experience in the biomedical, behavioral, or clinical sciences in research areas supported by NIA. The goal of this award is to support trainees’ transition to research independence in a multitude of career options, including research and teaching faculty as well as entrepreneurial, industry, science policy, and research administration positions.
Award Type: K01
Application Due Dates: November 15, 2022; October 18, 2023; October 17, 2024
Budget Limits: $90,000/year in salary; $50,000/year in other program-related expense
Eligibility: Candidates must have a research or health-professional doctoral degree. Eligible candidates must be an NIH-defined Early Stage Investigators (ESI). Further, eligible candidates cannot have received a prior R01, P01, P50, or other major career grants (K01, K07, K08, K22, K23, K25, K76, K99/R00). Must be a citizen or a non-citizen national of the United States or have been lawfully admitted for permanent residence by the time of the award. NIA strongly encourages applications from individuals with underrepresented racial or ethnic backgrounds and from people with disabilities. Refer to NOT-AG-23-042 for more information on eligibility.
Entrepreneurship Course Development
The REDI Entrepreneurship Enhancement Award (PAR-22-226) promotes the development of entrepreneurial education programs that are designed to broaden the skillset of graduate students and postdocs as well as early-career master’ s degree, Ph.D., and Dr.P.H. scientists in fields relevant to the NIA mission, including aging and Alzheimer’ s disease research. The goal of this program is to prepare trainees for a wide range of career paths, including those that are outside the normal research environment.
Award Type: R25
Letter of Intent Due Date: 30 days prior to application due date
Application Due Dates: November 15, 2022; October 18, 2023; October 17, 2024
Budget Limits: $250,000/year in direct costs
Eligibility: Educational institutions have broad eligibility. NIA encourages partnering with existing NIH-funded or other federally funded resources and programs. These could include the NIH Proof of Concept Network, composed of NIH Centers for Accelerated Innovations, NIH Research Evaluation and Commercialization Hubs, and NIGMS IDeA Regional Technology Transfer Accelerator Hubs; National Science Foundation and their Innovation Corps program; and NCATS Clinical and Translational Science Awards.
Entrepreneurial Small Business Transition Award
Through the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs, these REDI Entrepreneurial Small Business Transition Awards (RFA-AG-24-042 and RFA-AG-24-043) foster the career development of early-career scientists with an interest in entrepreneurial training and mentorship by simultaneously supporting their entrepreneurial development and facilitating their transition to industry.
Award Types: R43/R44 (SBIR), R41/R42 (STTR)
Letter of Intent Due Date: September 26, 2023
Application Due Date: October 26, 2023
Budget Limits: $500,000 for Phase I; $2.5 million for Fast-Track
Eligibility: Educational institutions have broad eligibility. NIA encourages partnering with existing NIH-funded or other federally funded resources and programs. These could include the NIH Proof of Concept Network, composed of NIH Centers for Accelerated Innovations, NIH Research Evaluation and Commercialization Hubs, and NIGMS IDeA Regional Technology Transfer Accelerator Hubs; National Science Foundation and their Innovation Corps program; and NCATS Clinical and Translational Science Awards.