The University of Minnesota Life Course Center is requesting pilot project pitches. Pilot studies ideas should be thought of as the preliminary research required to illustrate the feasibility of a larger research study for which applicants intend to pursue a grant from NIA. If selected, their pilot study will be included in the P30 Center grant application. Learn more and submit your pitch by August 23, 2024.
The Music4Pain Research Network launched its Visiting Scholar Program and they are requesting applications. The Visiting Scholar Program is designed to support PhD students in gaining research experience and training in mechanistic research related to music for pain management. Applicants will join an existing research project in the labs of Drs. Robert Zatorre and Mathieu Roy. Research in Drs. Roy and Zatorre’s laboratories focus on understanding how music influences pain perception. They explore the roles of distraction, enjoyment, and relaxation, among other factors.   Learn more and submit your application by August 23, 2024.
The Network for Innovative Methods in Longitudinal Studies of Aging (NIMLAS) is requesting pilot project applications for their third annual pilot project competition. NIMLAS seeks proposals that conduct methodological research in one of the following four thematic research areas of NIMLAS: (1) Creation of new data on aging minority populations; (2) Design or analytic techniques for addressing attrition in longitudinal studies of aging; (3) New technologies for capturing measures of relevance to aging research and (4) Innovative methodologies for obtaining consent for data collection. Learn more and submit your pre-proposal application by September 9, 2024.
The Scientific Research Network on Decision Neuroscience and Aging (SRNDNA) is requesting applications for pilot grants. The proposed research must focus directly on the neural mechanisms of decision-making in adult development and aging or on life-course decisions that improve health and well-being in old age. Learn more and submit your application by September 15, 2024.
The Research Centers Collaborative Network (RCCN) is requesting letter of interests for their Seed Pilots for Aging Research Collaboration (SPARC) program. The RCCN’s goal is to bring together researchers from the 7 NIA Centers programs to foster the development of cross-center collaborations around issues important to the health and well-being of older adults. The program provides funding to catalyze enduring collaborations for at least two collaborative pilot, planning or meeting grants supporting interdisciplinary research in cross cutting theme areas per grant cycle.  Learn more and submit your letter of interest by October 1, 2024.

BSR has recently published or joined the following new Requests for Applications (RFAs), Program Announcements (PARs), Notices of Special Interest (NOSIs), and Request for Information (RFI):Â Â
NOT-AG-24-021:Â Notice of Intent to Publish a Notice of Funding Opportunity for Centers on the Demography and Economics of Aging, Including Alzheimer's Disease and Alzheimer's Disease-Related Dementias (AD/ADRD) (D&E Centers) (P30 Clinical Trial Optional). First estimated application due date October 14, 2024.
NOT-AG-24-022: Notice of Intent to Publish a Notice of Funding Opportunity for Centers on the Demography and Economics of Aging and Alzheimer’s Disease and Alzheimer’s Disease Related Dementias Coordinating Center (U24 Clinical Trial Optional). First estimated application due date October 14, 2024.
RFA-AG-25-003:Â Research Collaboration Network in Structural Racism Measurement and Modeling (U24 Clinical Trial Optional). Applications due October 17, 2024.
RFA-AG-25-028:Â Mentored Career Enhancement Awards to Build Cross-Disciplinary Knowledge and Skills for Comparative Studies of Human and Nonhuman Primate Species with Differing Life Spans (K18 Clinical Trial Not Allowed). Applications due November 1, 2024.
RFA-AT-24-010:Â Whole Person Research and Coordination Center (Whole Person RCC) U24 (Clinical Trial Not Allowed). Applications due November 1, 2024.Â
NOT-AG-23-060: Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Telehealth for People and Families Living with Alzheimer's Disease (AD) and AD-Related Dementias (ADRD). Multiple receipt dates through November 13, 2024. Visit the website for technical assistance webinar recording, and answers to frequently asked questions.
NOT-AT-24-035:Â Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Interventions to Reduce Chronic Inflammation and Inflammation-Related Morbidity in People Living with HIV/AIDS. Multiple receipt dates through November 14, 2024.
RFA-MH-26-100:Â BRAIN Initiative: Brain Behavior Quantification and Synchronization (R61/R33 Clinical Trial Optional). Applications due January 22, 2025.
NOT-OD-24-119:Â Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Research Opportunities Centering the Health of Women Across the HIV Research Continuum. Multiple receipt dates through January 8, 2026
NOT-OD-24-078:Â Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Supporting the Exploration of Cloud in NIH-supported Research. Multiple receipt dates through June 19, 2026.
RFA-DA-24-041: BRAIN Initiative: Brain-Behavior Quantification and Synchronization – Transformative and Integrative Models of Behavior at the Organismal Level (U01 Clinical Trials Not Allowed). Multiple receipt dates through October 9, 2026.
PAR-24-052:Â Aging Research Dissertation Awards to Promote Diversity (R36 Clinical Trial Not Allowed). Multiple receipt dates through October 16, 2026.
NOT-OD-24-096:Â Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Promoting Data Reuse for Health Research. Multiple receipt dates through November 3, 2026.
NOT-AG-24-004: Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): U.S. Health in the International Perspective. Multiple receipt dates through May 08, 2027. Visit the website for technical assistance webinar recording, and answers to frequently asked questions.
NOT-OD-24-146:Â Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Improving Adherence to Treatment and Prevention Regimens and Maintenance of Health Behaviors to Promote Health. Multiple receipt dates through July 14, 2027.
Visit the BSR Funding Opportunities page for the comprehensive list.
Fellowship Objectives and Award Details:
The Network for Emotional Wellbeing and Brain Aging aims to address mechanistic research on the role of emotional wellbeing (EWB) in health, identifying and testing mechanisms by which brain aging influences EWB, and how EWB may impact risk for and progression of Alzheimer's Disease and related dementias. NEW Brain Aging is sponsored by the National Institute of Health (NIA U24 AG072701) and part of a national group of networks working on EWB research.
Learn more:
This award aims to promote scientific relationships between early-career scientists and investigators who are established in their careers. We hope that this fellowship will help awardees become more familiar with the areas of emotional wellbeing (EWB) and brain aging as well as cross-species driven research methods, to generate and refine their own proposals for the study of EWB and aging, and develop a network of colleagues with complementary interests.
The award will include the following:
Reimbursement for up to $500 of travel costs
Reimbursement for up to $200/day for lodging and food costs for 5 nights
Reimbursement for up to $425 (Postdocs) OR $920 (Professionals) for conference registration
Awardees will meet with established career mentors regularly throughout the AAIC 2024 meeting (, including a 1-day preconference workshop to be held on July 27th, 2024. They also will be invited to attend periodic NEW Brain Aging scientific meetings virtually before and after AAIC 2024 for additional mentoring support and networking opportunities.
Fellowship Application Requirements:
Applicants must be early in their scientific careers, specifically in one of the following categories: post-doctoral fellows, Early-Stage Investigators and New Investigators (ESI/NI)
Priority will be given to applicants who have an abstract submitted/accepted to AAIC 2024. Please include verification of your accepted abstract with your application if applicable.
Note: While the early abstract deadline for AAIC has passed, the Developing Topics abstract submission deadline is April 26th. We encourage applicants to submit for this deadline if they did not submit for the earlier deadline. Please refer to the guidelines on this page for Developing Topics abstract requirements:
Applicants must have interest in an area of neuroscience relevant to our network: aging and/or emotional wellbeing. Human, animal and cross-species work relating to these topics are acceptable.
Applications must include the following:
A Specific Aims Page (NIH format) planned for fellowship, career award, or research project submission
Letter of support from program director or mentor.
Fellowship Application Timeline:
Early March 2024 Conference Registration Opens
April 26th AAIC Developing Topics Abstract Submission Deadline
May 10th Application for Travel Fellowship due
May 17th Travel Fellowship Awardees announced
May 18th 11:59pm CT AAIC Early Bird Registration Deadline (Reimbursement rate is based on Early Bird Registration fees)
Saturday July 27th, 2024 NEW Brain Aging preconference workshop
Sunday July 28th – Thursday Aug. 1st AAIC 2024 Meeting